Because You Care
2018 Year End Giving
The Museum At Warm Springs relies on the continued support of our donors to help us provide educational exhibitions, programs and traditional art classes. Because you care,we can offer these exhibitions, programs and classes. Because you care, we can continue to care for and house our cherished artifact and archival collections. This includes artifacts, historical documents and photographs.
You can help us continue to serve our community and share our world class Museum through exquisite exhibits and inter-generational teachings. Please send your year end gift today. Your gift will reach every corner of the Museum. Because you care, your gift will help us provide vital educational programs and classes. Because you care, you will help us preserve, advance and share the knowledge of the cultural, traditional and artistic heritage which is so important to our community.
Please join us as we move forward, fulfilling our Mission.
Because you care, we were able to teach a young artist to weave her first “wapas” (root gathering basket) and see the look of pure joy as she completes it.
We were able to host Award Winning Tribal Member Artist, Lillian Pitt during our summer exhibit. During our youth art fair, the young artists used Lillian as an inspiration and created Lillian Pitt themed art!They created paintings of her”Stick Indian” masks and did print making made with carved block etchings inspired by her artwork.
Because you care….
We were able to reach out to numerous students, tribal youth, community members, adult and young artists and visitors. Your help is crucial to our success. Your gift is a gift that keeps giving. When we teach one student, the young artist can teach one more person. It’s a giving cycle that continues to grow, but WE NEED YOU!
We are more than a Museum.
We are a living history, a place to educate, a place to conserve and care for the priceless artifacts and family treasures that have been passed from generation to generation.
Your generous year end gift to The Museum At Warm Springs will:
- Provide a venue for Native Artists and Dance performances.
- Inspire Warm Springs artists of all generations to grow and nurture their art forms.
- Provide a place to teach the cultural traditions and art to our Tribal Community.
- Make it possible for our visitors to see and hear our story, in our words…. a meaningful and thought provoking experience.
Your gift will directly assist us in preserving our community’s heritage….. Our Museum.
Thank you for your support!
The Museum At Warm Springs is a 501(c)(3) educational institution, #93-0639711. Your contribution is tax deductible as allowed by law.